середа, 19 жовтня 2016 р.


  • "An eye for an eye - and the whole world go blind soon."
  • "Better I brightest meteor than eternal, but the sleepy planet ..."
  • "Life always gives a person less than he demands from her."
  • "One should not see itself in its true form, then life becomes unbearable."
  • "Let me see the truth in the face. Tell me, what face the truth. "
  • "WOMAN - is a failed man."
  • "To invent the mortal sins, he needed someone with his imagination and his power over matter."
  • "Everything is perfectly fine as long as you do not possess them."
  • "A person should not be selfish, but he will remain so when the social system based on the undisguised disgusting"
  • "Bone, abandoned dogs, not a charity; charity - is bone, divided by the dog when you are hungry is not less than it. "
  • "Beauty - absolute. Human life, whole life submits beauty. Beauty has already existed in the universe to man. Beauty remains in the universe, when a man dies, but not vice versa. Beauty does not depend on a tiny man floundering in the mud. "
  • "For me there is something attractive in a drunken man, and if I was at the head of any educational institution, I would certainly have established a chair studying psychology drunks, with optional practical training. This would give more than any books and the laboratory. "
  • The fact is, to be truthful, to copy the fiction. "
  • "I just get shy when I see his human limitations, which prevents me to cover all aspects of the problem, especially when it comes to fundamental issues of life."
  • "Whether it happens that two silent soul, so different, so come to each other? Of course, we often feel the same way, but even when we feel something different, we still understand each other, even though we have a common language. We do not need the words spoken aloud. We are for this are unintelligible. "

Interesting facts from the life of Jack London

  • At the end of 1875 a scandal erupted in the United States: the American press excitedly telling us about the unfortunate Flora Wellman, who tried to shoot himself in a fit of despair after a famous astrologer, Professor William Cheney, with whom she lived, learning about the pregnancy Flora insisted on an abortion. All, however, ended up rather well: the name of Cheney was dishonored for life, and Wellman received only slightly injured, and January 12, 1876 gave birth to San Francisco boy, who gave the name John. John Griffith Chaney, also known as Jack London.

  • Two women in the childhood Jack London became important for him to end his days. First - Virginia Prentiss, a former slave Flora Wellmann; in her care after the birth mother left him for a while. Second - Eliza London, the eldest daughter of Jack's stepfather John London, whom Flora was married at the end of 1876; loyal friend and guardian angel of the writer. Alas, she constantly bore Flora get rich quick plans and these adventures smashed all attempts to farm her husband during the severe economic crisis.

  • Working life of Jack London began early: Seller morning and evening newspapers, the boy in a bowling alley, a cleaner in the park, working the canning factory. Then began the maritime adventure. Good boy Virginia lent $ 300, which was bought second-hand schooner, and soon 14-year-old "captain" called "Prince of the oyster pirates" for illegal fishing of shrimp and crabs in San Francisco's waterfront. Then there was the service in the fishing patrol and swimming sailor on a fishing schooner "Sophie Sutherland" in Japan and the Bering Sea.

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