середа, 19 жовтня 2016 р.

Translations into Russian

  • Collected works

  1. Jack London. Collected works in 7 volumes + additional volume. - M .: State Publishing fiction, 1954-1957.
  2. Jack London. Collected works in 14 volumes. - M .: "The Truth", 1961. - ( "Spark" Library).
  3. Jack London. Collected works in 13 volumes. - M .: "The Truth", 1976. - ( "Spark" Library).
  4. Jack London. Collected Works in 8 volumes. - M .: "Fatherland", "Poligran", 1993-1995.
  5. Jack London. Collected works in 16 volumes. - Kharkov: "Folio", 1994.
  6. Jack London. Collected works in 20 volumes. - M .: "Terra", 1998-1999.
  7. Jack London. Collected works in 13 volumes. - Kharkov-Belgorod "Book Club", 2009. screen version

  • Full list adaptations

Films based on works by the London set repeatedly. There are more than one hundred and adaptations of works by Jack London. The writer himself once played a cameo in the first film adaptation of a sailor in his novel "The Sea Wolf" (1913).

The Sea Wolf
 (into 3 parts)

  1. For the love of gold (1908), 9 min., USA
  2. According to the law (1926), the USSR
  3. Call of the Wild (1935), 95 min., USA
  4. Sea Wolf (1941), 100 min., USA
  5. White Fang (1946), the USSR
  6. The Mexican (1955), the USSR
  7. Call of the Wild (1972), 100 min., Great Britain, France, Germany (West Germany), Italy, Spain
  8. Emperor of the North (1973), 120 min., USA
  9. White Fang (1973), 102 min., France, Italy, Spain
  10. Burning Daylight (1975), the USSR
  11. Smoke and Kid (1975), the USSR
  12. Martin Eden (1976), the USSR
  13. Let him speak ... (1982), the USSR
  14. Theft (1982), the USSR
  15. Sea Wolf (1990), the USSR
  16. White Fang (1991), 107 min., USA
  17. Three Hearts (1992), Russia, Ukraine
  18. Sea Wolf (1993), 90 min., USA
  19. Alaska Kid (TV series) (1993), Russia, Germany, Poland
  20. White Fang 2: Legend of the White Wolf (1994), United States
  21. Iron Will (1994), 109 min., USA
  22. Call of the Wild (1997), 91 min., Canada
  23. The Iron Heel of Oligarchy (1997), Russia
  24. Call of the Wild (2009), 87 min., USA
  25. Sea Wolf (2009), 180 min., Canada, Germany
  26. Time is running out (2010), 102 min., Canada

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